Thursday, June 17, 2010

CrossFit Watertown: Kill That Voice

I can't say it better, so go to CrossFit Watertown and read all about how to "Kill That Voice."
I saw this great t-shirt from CrossFit CapOp: It just says “Kill That Voice.”

You know what they’re talking about: The voice in your head that has always been with you, right from the early days. It tells you that you can’t do this, that you’re not strong enough, fast enough, smart enough, skinny enough, pretty enough, or sexy enough. It tells you to stop, to wait, to slow down, to quit.

Kill that f*****.


  1. Hell yeah! That's some good inspiration.

  2. Glad you like it, Jennifer. CrossFit Watertown has really great posts in their blog every day -- awesome coaching and motivational ideas.


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