Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Cardio Master Blaster

Man! My monthly hormone poisoning is over, and I've eaten my way through 10 lovely Whole30 days. I was firing on all cylinders this morning! Which was a good thing, because our workout was one of those 20-minute monsters that feels like it takes a lifetime after weeks of 7- to 12-minute workouts.

Meet the Cardio Master Blaster...
5 rounds:
200m run
20 flutter kicks
15 unbroken box jumps
20 situps
15 unbroken push presses, 45#
60 jump ropes
My time: 20:17
The 60 single jumps were RX'd as 20 double-unders, so I didn't do the elite version of the workout, but I felt like a champ anyway. We were warned that there would be a 10-burpee penalty if we didn't do our box jumps and push presses unbroken; I really, REALLY didn't want to do burpees.

I think the post-run flutter kicks and the post-box jump situps were the most painful part. I was so focused on not stopping on the unbroken stuff – Don't you dare stop, you big baby! Don't. You. Dare. (I am an excellent self-coach.) – that I barely felt the box jumps and push presses.

Two hours later, while brewing my lovely herbal tea at the corporate overlords', I desperately wished I could remove my arms from my body... they were so twitchy and fatigued and heavy.

Today's workout: A+


  1. Wow. Great job. I don't think I could have handled that one today. I haven't been to CrossFit since December 28. My back went out Dec 31 and I've been sick since then. Today we did "DT." 5 rounds of 12 deadlift, 9 hang power cleans, 6 push jerks. I thought I was going to die after that much time off.


  2. what are flutter kicks?

  3. jlautry --> I've never done DT, but I really want to try it. And yeah, that would be a total killer on the first day after a break. Great job!

    anonymous --> here's a pretty good demo video:

  4. @OP- Good joob with the WOD. Just curious if you or the CF trainer recorded your split times for the 200m run? Keep it up.

  5. Dom --> We didn't record split times... just total time. It would be interesting to see how much I slowed down, however. I know my first round was my slowest, but other than that, I got nothin'.


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