Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Dirty Dozen of Double-Unders

Sucking it up with the double-unders on Monday paid off in spades today! I got 10 DUs unbroken and then... to my extreme surprise and delight, I got another 12 unbroken.

A dirty dozen of double-unders.

I realize, of course, that this means my days of swapping double or triple singles for double-unders in a workout are over. It's true DUs all the way for me now. I can feel the welts already.

But the happy sound of an endless whir through 12 reps is still ringing in my ears. I'm not afraid of any stinkin' jump rope.
4 rounds:
6-8 dips - rest 1:00
6-8 split squats, 10# DBs - rest 1:00

7 rounds:
:20 burpees (max effort) - :40 rest
:20 double-unders - :40 rest
:20 row (recovery pace) - :40 rest
Our goal with the burpees was to be consistent on all seven rounds. Consistent is one of my middle names. See? Melissa Kathryn Consistent Relentless Joulwan.
My burpees: 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 8
My ego fought HARD to get that eighth burpee in the last round.


  1. AWESOME!!!! I'm still in the land of 3 singles 1 double under. I can do that pretty consistant all day long but can't get the hang of stringing them together. On a positive note I'm getting double the workout :)

  2. Woooo! It's such an awesome feeling to conquer a skill like this, especially if your gym is like mine and frequently incorporates DUs (and burpees...why??? lol) Watch those wod times drop!

  3. Way to go!!! My DUs come once in a blue moon! I'm still working on getting them consistent!

    I hate burpees! They suck....

  4. MelG --> I was stuck for ages at single+DU+single+DU. This awesome firebreather in my class named Leigh said, "You're just gonna have to be the "special kid in the back of the class" and look silly as you try to string them together and just... do it." So I gave it a shot and somehow, it worked. I was TOTALLY surprised. I'm sure my face was hilarious.

    Meghan --> It really is a great feeling to check that off my "Learn To Do It List." Handstands are done, DUs are done... next up: unassisted kipping pullup. Grrrrr.

    Funke --> Sssshhh... don't tell anyone: I like burpees.

  5. Kipping is a lot like just have to do it and you go from looking like a spaz to looking like a spaz who can kip. lol I'm currently working on HSPUs and ring dips. I'm so bad it's embarrassing, but I'm forcing myself to make an ass out of myself. I want to get all these skills down by the end of the year so I can quit modifying wods!!!

  6. Congratulations! I was happy to hit 12 in a row just this morning. I was in my sock feet, wonder if that helped?

  7. Congratulations on your dozen DUs! AWESOME!

  8. I have also recently crossed this threshold. Now that I'm able to do 10-13 DU unbroken (or sometimes 1 jump in between) I'm no longer able to sucker out to the triples...I'm a little "yay" and a little "darn!" Since doing this, I also finished my first workout as Rx'd!!! I was so excited! Congrats on the milestone!

  9. jlautry --> Congratulations on your first RX! That's so much fun! Best wishes for continued DU success!


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