Friday, April 22, 2011

Hell Yeah, Handstands... AGAIN?!?!

On Monday, I was all kinds of excited about the handstand holds in the WOD. This morning, I was all kinds of groaning about doing a very similar workout – "Wha?! Running and handstand holds again! Did Coach Wes forget we JUST did this on Monday?"

But between us friends,  it's still an ego-inflating thrill to know I can kick up against the wall, so I kinda loved it while I totally hated it. This WOD was Hard. The transition from pushup to handstand to plank was vicious, and after the first round, I could manage only 30 seconds at a time upside down. My noodle arms threatened to drop me on my head.

Rather than doing this workout for time, our instructions were to keep a steady pace and just get through it, as if there's a way to make pushups, handstand holds, and planks easier if they're performed slower.

Um, yeah. My pushups, holds, and plank have one speed. It's called pain.
4 rounds:
400m run @ 80%
10 Russian step-ups/leg
10 pushups
1:00 handstand hold
:30 plank

5 sets:
4-6 split squats @ 3010, 15# dumbbells


  1. Yay, handstands! I did 3x0:30 handstands this morning after my weights workout (bench, squat, deadlift) and before my planks and Australian pull-ups. My capoeira instructor is impressed with how quickly I'm progressing in handstands -- in capo Tuesday night, I held my three handstands for 45 seconds each, when just about a month ago I couldn't even make it 30 seconds.

  2. I've enjoyed your posts about handstands, as I have been scared of these babies for quite some time. But victory was at hand last night. I got my first kick up to a handstand. I've been working two years on getting to this point. It feels so good to know that I won't crumple into a heap when in a handstand.

  3. Wild Runner --> Congratulations on your holding power. It feels amazing, doesn't it?! I still feel a thrill every time I kick up, but I'm not paralyzed with fear the way I was before. Wheeee!

    Erin --> GOOD FOR YOU! Congrats on your first kick up. That is HUGE! It took me 3+ years. And no, you're not going to crumple. 'Cause you're awesome.


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