Friday, January 7, 2011

Bad News And Good News

Bad news first. Just like rippin' off a band-aid, this might hurt a little. Get ready.

I'm not perfect.

In fact, today I'm not even within spitting distance of the best version of myself.

The Clean Eating Magic™ hasn't kicked in yet, and my energy has been tanking every evening. I'm drag-ass tired.

Also, I'm in the midst of monthly hormone poisoning, which never EVER makes me feel my best.

So this morning, I got up when the alarm went off and instead of going to my workout, I dyed my hair.

Yes, my silver and blonde roots are now appropriately jet black, but my I did not work on my maximum height box jumps as the WOD intended.

As Alexander (of the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day) will tell you, some days are like that.

On to the good news: Dave and I are going to Houston this weekend to attend the Whole9 Foundations of Nutrition and Trainers' Workshops with Dallas and Moxy-Boss – and I signed up for an Oly lifting seminar with Dutch Lowy. As an added bonus, I'll be meeting the fabulous Christie Tracy in person.

These things can only contribute to the best version of me.



  1. I think your decision this morning was probably perfect! You'll be fresh for your big weekend classes. Plus, now your hair is super-cute, which I am sure will make you fired up as well!

  2. Mary --. You are WAY to nice to me -- but I love it. Thanks!

  3. That doesn't even sound like an imperfection.

  4. You know I'm not the coddling sort, but seriously--EFF THE BOX JUMPS. Sometimes covering your roots is a thousand times more important than your workout.

    Saying that making the decision you did was not the best version of yourself is going against everything you said earlier about beating yourself up for not getting to the gym at oh-dark-thirty or stressing out about eating a G-D banana.

    This morning, the best you decided it was more important to color her hair. And that's that. There is no "and now on to the good news." The good news is: Today you feel good about your hair.

  5. You're going to learn so much from Dutch. I trained with him at CrossFit A&M in College Station, and he is a boss!

  6. GIRL - At least when we meet this weekend, you'll be living up to the "glossy-haired" part of your blog description :)

    Don't beat yourself up - really - we ALL need to take a "mental health day" away from even our workouts from time to time.

    I have to admit that I laughed when I saw the "bad" part of your post. The way that you built it up, I thought you were going to say that you tripped and fell face first into a box of Krispy Kremes ;)

    I can't wait to FINALLY meet you this weekend! And who knows. . . maybe we can work on maximum height box jumps during one of the lunch sessions ;)

    I think I finally "turned the corner" today. . . here's to hoping that you're right behind me!

  7. Wait..Hold the press!!!! You.Are.Human? says who?Seriously?

    You may be having a downer day but I always see you as a paleo eating, crossfit asskicking super hero.

    Yep..even on the bad days.

    Tomorrow will be better!


  8. sometimes other types of personal upkeep is just as important as working out

  9. i am unable to think of a more perfect couplet than hair priority + oly lifting.

    i am seriously not even trying to kiss your ass on this one.

    i really mean it.

    enjoy Dutch. good-quality oly instruction is up there with awesome sex, IMHO.

  10. Danni & Lydia --> OK. You're right... I hear you! Yes, I'm imperfect and BIG YES, that's OK. And my hair does look really, really nice now.

    Lauren --> I picked up four cues from Dutch on Saturday that are going to change my whole weightlifting world! My WOD today was better already because he improved my dip on the push press. AWESOME!

    Christie --> I did turn the corner! I'm feeling great energy-wise. It was awesome to spend time face-to-face this weekend. Hope you enjoyed the workshop with Dutch... you've got a snatch goal to meet! ;-)

    Barbara --> I know! Right! Can you even?! What is with this fallible human stuff?! XOXOX to you.

    thegetinshapegirl --> I definitely needed that day off... I don't regret it a bit.

    michele --> "i am unable to think of a more perfect couplet than hair priority + oly lifting." HA! Thanks, Michele.


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