Monday, March 28, 2011

Again With The Barbie Arms

Once again, I wish I had removable arms, like Barbie. My triceps and deltoids are so tired, they're tingling even as I type.

This workout didn't look like it was going to smoke me like a pork shoulder, but it did. And I'm glad!
5 sets:
dips (on bench, touch butt to floor) @ 2020
1:00 rest
My numbers: 10 - 11 - 9 - 10 - 10

3 rounds:
400m run
20 burpees
10 DB snatches/arm, 20#
My time: 15:59
I guess I've never done dips with full extension before because dude! they. were. hard. And awesome.

And 20 burpees is a lot. I tried to do them unbroken but in round two, I did two sets of 10, and in round 3, I did four sets of 5.

I made many sweat angels.


  1. 3x400m's - 0uch!

    Someone described the 400m as "A caning to your lungs" - Seems about right to me. times 3 should really be fun :)

  2. We're in a strength cycle right now so after working on front squats it was time for 40 burpees and 20 shoulder to overheads. I couldn't believe that such a seemingly small WOD could cook me so quickly. The arms let me down!

  3. I'm new to doing crossfit. What does the dips@2020 mean?

  4. soiltosustenance --> Ha! That's funny. Thanks for making me laugh.

    Emily --> 40 burpees! ouch.

    Bobbi --> That's a tempo...

    2020 =
    2 seconds down
    0 seconds at the bottom
    2 seconds up
    0 seconds at the top

    Our coach Wes often specifies tempos on skill and strength work. The first number is always the ECCENTRIC movement (i.e., the "down").


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