Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Strength Training Tuesday - 3/29/11

In my quest for lean superhero-ness, I tackle the Strength Training Workout posted by Coach Wes every Tuesday at CrossFit Austin.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 – Strength WOD
4X 2 press + 3 push press - 53#, 63#, 73#, 78#
5X2 back squat @ 80% max - 120#
3X5 deadlift @ 60-65% max - 133#
plus... 1-3 chest-to-bar strict chin-ups @ 2012 tempo* between squat and deadlift sets
Five cool things about this workout:
1. I shared a rack with Walker, one of our coaches. She's a great workout partner, even though I'm very envious of her unassisted chinups and gymnastics ability.


3. I was able to squeeze out a bunch of strict chin-ups with the skinny red band (and some on the wider blue band, too, when I got tired). That tempo was tough!

4. This is my third week in a row of making time for strength training. YAY!

5. I wore my badass socks.

*2012 tempo = 2 seconds down, 0 at the bottom, 1 second up, 2 seconds at the top


  1. i LOVE those socks!

    p.s. you rock. you're like my crossfit idol. haha :)

  2. Maggie --> I think I got those socks at sockdreams.com... you can have some, too! Thank you for the sweet compliment!

  3. Sounds like an awesome workout! Love the socks!

  4. I LOVE my Bad Ass socks. They make me feel like, well, a Bad Ass!!! :)

  5. I HAD to get these socks for me & my pals at the gym. I didn't think about the fact that they are tiny and I have the biggest woman calves ever, so my BAD @$$ is going to be much wider than their BAD @$$, but so is my real @$$!!! Continue to follow your posts and love them! Very inspirational! ~Karyn M. from CF Bay Area

  6. Karyn --> I bet you're going to look totally badass in your badass socks. Thanks for making me laugh! I totally want to come to CF Bay Area and work out with you. I lived in SF for 10 years and I'm trying to figure out how to get back there!

  7. Hey Mel!

    I started with this workout yesterday (per your suggestion) and it went pretty well. I had considered doing Wendler again but our box doesn't really have space to let me do strength 4 days a week. This will be a nice once a week to get me going until we move to a bigger space.

    I'm doing this on Sunday because they are 'non-coached' days where it is just a bunch of people doing mostly strength work anyway.

    Thanks for the tip and the great Blog!!!

  8. Matt! YAY! Congrats on starting a new strength training cycle. Did you like it?

    I did a similar workout yesterday, and man! it really smoked me. Good fun!


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