Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Countdown to Spartan 300: T Minus 3 Days

There are just three sleeps 'til the Spartan 300. Based on advice from my new mentor/boss, I'm taking both Thursday and Friday as rest days, which means this morning's workout was my last one 'til the 3-2-1-GO! at 8:30 Saturday morning. I gotta admit: rest sounds yummy.

Today's workout was a great send-off into sleeping an extra hour each night and eating a little extra fat every day.
CrossFit Women
3 rounds, for time:
  • 10 R-arm snatch/10 L-arm snatch, 25 lbs.
  • 50 squats
  • 10 pullups, blue band

At Bootcamp, I usually use a 15-lb. dumbbell for the one-arm snatch, so I felt confident I could do the workout with 20-lbs pretty quickly. I decided to push myself today and picked up the 25-pounder. It's silly... it looks like a cartoon weight!

I loved it! It was Hard. But awesome. And something magical happened on my last round of pullups. The first two sets were pretty lame -- muddled through 2 and 3 at a time with the blue band. But on the last set, I cranked out 6 in a row, with my chin way, WAY over the bar. Right in the middle of that, I thought, "Oh my god! I'm doing it. Woohoo!" And instantly lost the ability to do it.

But for a few seconds, it felt totally rad.

1 comment:

  1. Way to rock the pullups Mel! Going heavy on the weights too... just awesome!


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