Friday, June 12, 2009


UPDATE: January 4, 2010
This post originally went up in June 2009 and a lot has changed in the online paleo world since then. I've updated the list below with new recipe links so you have no excuse for eating garbage. For real.

"Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar."

OK! I will! Just don't call me paleo... 'round our house, we call it "Dino-Chow." (Yes, we know there were no dinosaurs in the Paleolithic Era. Just go with the humor, K?)

I've collected all of my own dino-chow recipes on one page. 
Click right here for all the dino-chow deliciousness

But variety really is the spice of life, so here are more sources for paleo recipes. As always, read the ingredients carefully to make sure the authors' version of paleo or clean eating or Whole30 or whatever-you-want-to-call-it aligns with yours. Wishing you many happy kitchen adventures!

Weightlifting, Crossfit, Paleo, and Randomness!
Great recipes and reflections from one of my favorite cavewomen.

Whole Life Eating
Tom, the happy eater and cook behind Whole Life Eating, cooks new, Whole30-compliant meals every week and publishes everything that passes his taste tests.

Food Renegade
Her name is Kristen, and she's a food rebel. Great recipes and smart thinking about the food revolution we need.

Tasty Paleo
A community site where users submit recipe, save favorites, and can even message each other. Look closely: you'll find some of my recipes in the mix.

Performance Menu
Stories and recipes – my favorite combo. Plus, I can't resist a new cabbage recipe.

Paleo Table
Tasty recipes from Amber Karnes, author of the Paleo Table and contributor to Robb Wolf's blog.
Extremely basic site, lengthy list of recipes helpfully divided into categories. Perfect for the night you're starving for dinner and wondering, "What can I make with half a tomato, a piece of fish, and an oven?

"Paleo-friendly recipes that don't look or taste like dog food."

Mark's Daily Apple
Recipes from the creator of The Primal Blueprint.

Eat Primal
User-submitted reipes that adhere to the Primal Blueprint.

Everyday Paleo
Recipes from Sarah Gragoso, the author of Everyday Paleo.

Feasting on Fitness
Paleo recieps from a CrossFitter in Santa Cruz.

The Foodee
User-submitted recipes collected by Matthew Lucas of CrossFit Southwest.

Frisky Lemon
Allison was a vegetarian for four years, but in 2009, she saw the paleo light.

Lots of photos of great meal ideas and ways to eat paleo in restaurants.

Cosmopolitan Primal Girl
"Primal Nutrition & Fitness Advice for the Sophisticated Urban Dweller"

Hunt. Gather. Love.
Recipes and smart thoughts on the paleo/primal lifestyle from Melissa McEwen.

Paleo Blocks
"No Dairy, No Grains, No Problem!"

Paleo Eats
"From cave to table: paleo cooking, nutrition, epigenetics, crossfit, who knows what else!"

Paleo Girls
"We are Joey & Shelley... two sisters divided by miles, but oh so very attached. We are both eating Paleo and think it’s pretty cool stuff that everyone should know."

Paleo Mama
Recipes from a mom who is "cutting through the propaganda of the American “healthy” diet, to create REAL natural meals for myself and my family."

Paleo... Just Do It
Just lots of recipes.

The Food Lover's Primal Palate
Fancy paleo foods for special occasions.

I also want to point you to two amazing vegetables recipes I found on the blog of artist/CrossFitter Catherine Hart -- whose musings are worth visiting often: Spicy Eggplant and Indian Cabbage. Think you don't like veggies – think again.

These blogs don't seem to be getting updates anymore, but they're still worth a visit. There are some great recipes and they deserve credit for getting helpful ideas out on the internet back in the early days of paleo online.

Paleo Steve
This CrossFitter from Colorado won me over with "Tandoori Chicken with Curry 'Rice'"... where rice = chopped cauliflower. YUM!

Caveman Food
Nice collection of easy, yummy-looking recipes – like this Salsa Pulled Pork. Flip back through previous posts; there are some real gems on this one.

The Son of Grok
Lots of interesting recipes and info, including "Primal Activities." Be sure to read "About the Son of Grok."

The Label Says Paleo
"Because I don't want to be a Skinny Bitch and the Food Pyramid is upside down." Love their motto and their ideas... and they're cool people, too.


  1. Son of Grok says he's taking his blog down. :( I have my favorite recipes already in my recipe binder but I will miss being able to send the links to interested people.

  2. WOOT WOOOT! Thanks for the shout out! You really are a dino chow inspiration to me! Hope your chin is feeling better...


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