Monday, June 22, 2009

Takin' a Dip

Soon I'll be takin' a dip in the beautiful blue waters of Playa del Carmen and takin' a sip of something cool and frosty. Just 6 more days 'til my first beach vacation since Dave and I went to Cabo San Lucas in 1993. That's right! It's been 16 years since the big man and I kicked back in the sand. Books, sunscreen, bathing suits, my stack of CrossFit WOD index cards -- and Dave, of course -- are the only things I've deemed essential for next week.

In preparation, I'm eating as cleanly as possible and getting in some solid workouts before we hit the beach. This morning, my ass was dragging, and I probably should have taken a rest day -- but I didn't realize how tired I was until I was already halfway through the warmup. At that point, I decided to just keep going and see how it all turned out. Ring dips were on the white board, which usually spells disaster, but in the end, it wasn't too bad...
CrossFit Women
Max rounds, 20 minutes:
  • 6 med ball cleans, 20-lb. ball
  • 12 ring dips
  • 8 burpees
My ring dips SUCK, even with my toes on the floor, but I muddled through. I finished 8 complete rounds, 6 cleans, and 2 ring dips. My burpees RULED, and I'm finally learning how to get my elbows around faster on the cleans. Just keep chip-, chip-, chippin' away.


  1. I'm so excited for your vacation! That 20# med ball was ROUGH...any time the AMRAP gets busted out my knees get a little wobbly. Way to soldier through that WOD so close to the spartan...
    so. proud. I. am....

  2. You are the sweetest girl. Sweeter than butternut squash, even. Thanks for always being so supportive, even when YOU have pushed through your workout. You did awesome this a.m.


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