Friday, June 19, 2009

This. Is. Sparta.

Disclaimer: I have the deepest respect for the Spartan 300 workout and its ability to bring me to my knees. For an appropriately reverent take on the Spartan 300, visit Aaron's blog. To be silly, read on.

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This post is dedicated to maintaining a playful, optimistic, relentless attitude about tomorrow's Spartan 300 workout -- and avoid the pitfalls of last August's 300 when I took it all too seriously and seriously sucked.

Good luck to all the Spartans taking on the 300 tomorrow -- I'm looking at you Jennifer and Maggie and Erin and Aaron and Mindy. Remember: there are just 20 little minutes between you and personal glory. Have fun, go hard, rest later.


  1. go hard, rest later. go hard, rest later. go hard, rest many times do i have to say it until it becomes a part of my being!?

    you're going to KILL those last pull ups, girl! =)

  2. 7 'n' 7 baby...all the way through.

  3. DUDE!! I'm so nervous...I can't wait for it to begin and I can't wait to cheer others on.

    We are so going to rock this workout!!

  4. "And tomorrow, I'm thinking Frisco!" Love it! Thanks Mel. See you tomorrow!

  5. Maggie --> You're gonna have a kickass time tomorrow. I mean, you're like a feather now so you're going to just float through the whole thing.

    Erika --> Thanks, partner. Every box jump and deadlift is dedicated to you for being in front of me, behind me, and beside me at CrossFit Women.

    Erin --> You are totes going to rock this workout. Floor wipers beware. And you OWN those kettlebells, sister.

    Aaron --> Toe or no toe, you got this. And if you're smart, you'll follow up with raisin toast, coffee, and home fries at the Frisco afterward. Zone what, now?!

    XOXOXO, y'all.

  6. great job on the 300 workout Mel!

  7. Hilarious!!! I loved " why won't it starta" !!!!
    these are really great


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