Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

For your listening pleasure while reading today's post, Tom Petty and Eddie Vedder performing "The Waiting." (Do not cheat yourself by skipping the video. Seriously. It's awesome.)

You'd think by now I'd learn: if I can just be patient, eventually things happen the way I want them to: scary things become fun, body fat burns, hopes become reality, answers present themselves.

But, oh! The waiting -- and the fretting that happens during the waiting.

A year ago, if a workout included box jumps and double-unders, I would have spent the better part of the workout mentally berating myself for needing to scale to step-ups and single jumps. Then, during the drive home, I'd beat myself with a bludgeon in the shape of a plyo box, wondering why I was such a chicken liver and couldn't make myself jump. on. the. f*cking. box.

You know what I thought when I saw today's workout on the whiteboard? "Sweet! Box jumps and double-unders. I'm gonna get those double-unders today."
Crossfit Women
4 rounds for time:
  • 20 box jumps
  • 20 double-unders
  • 20 push press, 20-lb. dbs
  • 20 sqats w/ 20-lb. dbs
my time: 20:59
I'd hoped to get in under 20 minutes but WHATEVER, HEATHER... I did half of my jump roping as double-unders by alternating two or three single jumps with a double-under attempt -- and I cleared most of 'em.

Gotcha, double-unders!

Now if I could just master the waiting...


  1. CHEERS on the waiting! Patience Patience. But you know are not simply waiting for are kickin' ass and taking names! And kudos on the double unders. Those things trip me all up and I haven't gotten a single one. Nice to see you this morning!

  2. Whoo-hoo! I love a workout with Goats, and I especially love kicking butt on workouts with Goats. Nice work on those DUs. They're sneaky little buggers, but once you get the rhythm, it's *magical*.

  3. During one of those rounds, I remember jumping on a box next to yours. I was enthralled to watch u, jumping away with confidence during the box jump. Even though I probably should be in more of a personal zone during a workout, I can't help but get lost in the realm of everyone's accomplishments in those seemingly long, seemingly short 15-20 min WODs.

    I'm pretty sure you didn't notice it, but I did smile for you as we jumped together! :) See you Monday!


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