Friday, July 10, 2009

Some Other Totally Badass Michaels

CrossFit Michael
3 rounds, for time:
  • 800m run
  • 50 supermans
  • 50 situps
Maggie, Mindy, Dave, and I hit the Austin High track at 6:30 this morning for Michael.

My time: 25:03

Yeesh! My runs were fast for me: I did the first 800 in 3:57... which I thought was pretty good. But jeez, louise! the humidity slowly ground me down. And the situps rubbed my tailbone raw... AGAIN.


  1. Way to go and bust out Michael this morning! Isn't this humidity brutal?

    PS- The Central team is in the running for the affiliate cup! 3rd place going into the last event!

  2. Arrgh... that should've been 2ND PLACE! I'm not typing well today.

  3. Great job Team Relentless! You bad asses look fabulous on my tire :-)


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