Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wicked Wednesday

Our CrossFit Central coaches, a.k.a., the mighty warriors, are heading out to the CrossFit Games this afternoon, so Bootcamp today was our last class until next week. Crystal pulled out all the stops!

The air was liquid: 80 degrees F + 79% humidity. We were all looking pretty limp and sodden by the end. But now I feel awesome. Clean. Fed. And happily anticipating my release from work jail in just seven hours so I can hang out with my husband and look at the vacation photos from our underwater camera.
Bootcamp Workout
Max rounds, 15 minutes:
  • sprint down and up the snake path (100m?)
  • 15 med ball slams
  • 15 dips
  • 15 pushups
  • 15 situps
I finished 4 complete rounds and then did a few extra situps while the last few seconds ticked out. The boys – Reed (roughly my age) and Steven (21!) – got in one more run than I did. Dang it! I hate when I get beaten by the boys. The dips-to-pushups transition was H-A-R-D, but I touched my chest to the ground on every one, thank you very much.
Tabata, 8 rounds each
  • chest press: shoulder blades on ball, "rest" in hips-up position, 15-lb. dbs
  • deadlift: 15-lb. dbs
  • swing+walk: db swing then take two steps, repeat; 25 lbs.
Congratulations to Aaron who earned his Level 1 Certification last weekend. I have a soft spot for Aaron because a) he has a warrior spirit; b) he likes to read; and c) he joined Dave and I when we did parkour with Randal last summer. Aaron couldn't have been kinder or more supportive during my scaredy-cat attempts, freakouts, and itty-bitty successes during our romp through the UT campus. He's definitely a best-quality human.


  1. what??? we had boot camp this morning? i had no freaking idea. i looked at the website and it said no classes today. i can't believe i missed it...grrr. on a less grumpy note, yay for underwater camera pictures!!

  2. "Clean. Fed. And happy." I think I know that feeling. It's a good one!

    Congrats to Aaron!!


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