Tuesday, May 4, 2010

First O' The Month Assessment = Fight Gone Bad

I was a little lax on the Guidelines for Taking Care of Myself over the weekend, and I felt the effects yesterday. Sadly, I'm back on a 4-5 hours of sleep per night trend and I didn't have a very good grip on my emotions yesterday.

I was not overly enthusiastic about Fight Gone Bad this morning, which made me sad because it's one of my favorite workouts.

But sometime during the second set of warm-up pushups, stubbornness kicked in. Yay, Taurus!
Fight Gone Bad Assessment
2 rounds, 1 minute each round:
push press, 55#
rowing, kcal
wall ball, 14#
sumo deadlift high pull, 55#
box jump, 20"
My total: 154 (up from 150 the last two attempts)
Stunning? No. But I'll take those four additional points 'cause each one is Hard.

To Tiffany, my workout partner this morning, I send heartfelt thanks for pushing me through the extra reps – and congratulations on taking on the elite weight! Nice job, girl.

1 comment:

  1. i've heard so much about this FGB workout - as a newbie, it has kind of a mythical status. shocking to see what it consists of... i tip my hat to you for even attempting it.


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