Friday, June 4, 2010

Dino-Chow Happy Meals

This is Blake. She is fun and funny and smart and altogether badass. (Read her 'You Really Gotta Meet' profile.)

The Dilemma
Last night, Blake and I wanted to see The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, with a start time of 8:00 p.m. But Blake worked until after 7:00 which didn't leave us much time to eat healthy food before the flick – and popcorn and movie hot dogs were not a viable option.

The Solution
1. Pack portable containers with grilled chicken sausage, avocado, jicama, and cucumbers. Bring peaches, plastic forks, and napkins on the side.

2. Get a large handbag. Bonus points if the grommets and zipper make it look like it's wearing a grouchy face. Place containers inside handbag and top with wallet and jacket in case the theater is cold.

3. Eat your feast during the movie and sniff with superiority at the people crinkling a popcorn bag behind you.


  1. OMG, I'm famous ;) You are so delectably sweet and thoughtful. You all should know the loving care that Mel puts into all her food, and these paleo happy meals were no exception. Movie theater dining will never be the same. I am so lucky to know you!

  2. Blake, I'm so glad you liked it! I can never tell if I've just gotten used to eating weird stuff, or if my combos are actually tasty.

    And the lucky to you know thing? A million times reflected back on you, sister.

  3. Love your blog! The grouchy handbag is so funny (this from the girl who sees faces on houses). But what I really want is your grater! The pink princess grater -- where can I find it?

  4. Hmmm... I don't remember where I got that grater.

    I found a source online:

  5. Love it! I would totally do that (and have!).

  6. The big purse makes it all possible ;-)

  7. Great idea! I love your blog! I was introduced to it from 'The Whole 9' nutrition seminar at CrossFit Austin. I've tried several of your recipes and they are awesome! I am currently doing the 30 days as well and feel incredible!

    Thanks for sharing! ;)

  8. Hi, Kara! I'm so glad you like the recipes! Congratulations on your Whole30. Write back if you need support or have questions. Keep up the good work!

  9. You are an inspirations. Love your blog! Love you! Mom

  10. Thanks, Mom! Next time we go to a movie together in PA, maybe I'll pass on the giant bag of popcorn (even though it's SO good) and pack us some happy meals. You have a big purse! XO

  11. Let's do it! I've got the purse and you make the happy delicious snacks. Mommy


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