Friday, April 22, 2011

Something New

Dave and I have been working feverishly on a new design for this site. (Actually, Dave's been working feverishly, and I've been keeping him fed with dino-chow, but whavever. My turn at the computer is coming.)

Besides looking super cute, the new design is going to make it way easier for you to get to the recipes. Plus, I'll have a mailing list so I can send you updates and special super-secret insider info, and I'm building out my list of favorite blogs and other resources so we can all keep working on becoming our own best versions. Fun, right?

Bear with me while we make the transition to the new site... it might be a little wonky at first, but eventually, it's going to rule.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Exciting news! Can't wait for the reveal.

  2. Have you all thought about using wordpress? Either way I am super excited.

  3. and, have you seen the new Social Distortion video? You should have been in it.

  4. Thanks Jeanye! We're almost done... maybe Monday!

    Dino --> Great minds! We moved to WordPress -- just finishing up the customization. And yes, I saw the Social D video. Pretty awesome! You should definitely let Mr. Mike Ness know I should be in their next one ;-)

  5. Hello there Melissa! I found your blog a little while ago while I was recovering from back surgery. I was new to paleo and was in search of doing something cathartic for myself during my recovery and I stumbled upon your site. I ended up starting my own blog about recovery, nutrition, and killer workouts. It's still very much in the works, but I'd love for you to check it out sometime. Your blog is fantastic and your wit has made me laugh many 'a times. I'm excited to see the new site!

    And yes, even Mike Ness in all his glory can only be repeated so many times. I did a similar thing recently where my each Social D song on a particular album would get repeated. I wasn't paying a lot of attention, so it snuck up on me. Ok Mike, it's time to move on...

  6. Leigh Ann --> Hope your recovery is going well... I'm going to pop over to your blog as soon as I'm done typing this.

    I think y'all know that I'm a big M. Ness fan, but yeah... the endless repeat was even too much for me.


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