Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Flashback: Growing Old Is Not For Sissies

I've been blogging here since 2008, and – if I do say so myself – there's some good stuff in my archive that you might have missed. On Fridays, I'm going to take you on a Friday Flashback and point you to some good stuff from the checkered past of The Clothes Make The Girl.

 Friday Flashback: Growing Old Is Not For Sissies

Oh, friends! My birthday is next week so I'm a little preoccupied by the ideas of how I can fight the unsavory bits of my climbing digits while I also gracefully accept the inevitability (and gift) of aging. I'm also working on how to celebrate another year of me-ness with gusto but not gluten.

This entry, originally posted on August 21, 2008, is a love letter to healthy living and the beautiful people featured in the books Growing Old Is Not For Sissies: Portraits of Senior Athletes.

Here's a snippet from my post:
The books feature photos of senior athletes along with descriptions of their lives. I fell in love with them (the books and the people within) in my twenties, then lost my fitness focus, got chubby, moved from houseboat to apartment... and the books got left behind somewhere.

On our anniversary on July 7, Dave presented me with a copy of the first book, and it seemed particularly apt, given the state of our cat Sesame (17-years-old, stick-skinny, fragile as tissue paper, and ornery as ever) and our upwardly trending ages.

Flashback to the whole post here:
Growing Old Is Not For Sissies


  1. Thanks for this Mel! Ran across the photo of the gentleman on the cover sometime back, but had no idea where it originally came from. Very inspiring!

  2. Gary --> The books are so great. The word inspiration isn't large enough to describe them. Really encourage you to pick up a copy!

  3. This is fantastic. I have a father in law who is a 65+ athlete in excellent shape, and he has just about everything. Now I know what to get him for his birthday. Thanks!

  4. Katie --> Hooray! I love that idea. Thanks for sharing.


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