Thursday, April 21, 2011

Must Be The Kicks!

I had a totally super-awesome so hard-so fun workout this morning. Must be the new kicks my mom sent me.

Dig my new Inov-8 F-Lite 230s. This is what they look like in person – pink & yellow!
And this is how they look in my kitchen, with overhead lighting and my pale, pale legs. Do you like how my legs and the floor tiles are practically the same color?! Looks like someone needs to slap on some low-dose sunscreen and enjoy a little Vitamin D time, no?

Anyway, those pale legs did some hard work this morning. Check it!
4 rounds:
1:00 row @ 90% effort
1:00 single-leg jump rope
:30 lunges
:90 active rest
1:00 burpees @ 90% effort
1:00 double-unders or singles
:30 American kb swings, 16 kg
We recorded our meters rowed and # of burpees:
Round 1: 269m, 18 burpees
Round 2: 264m, 19 burpees
Round 3: 248m, 18 burpees
Round 4: 263m, 18 burpees

Our final score was the average:
261m row, 18 burpees

I managed a few bouts of 10 or so unbroken double-unders during the first two rounds, but my double-under skill rapidly faded as I grew more fatigued. But how 'bout those burpee numbers! Pretty nice, right?

It was sweatastical!

And the new shoes performed beautifully. Thanks, Mom!


  1. Love Innov-8. My trail shoes are the Roc-Lites and they're so awesome.

  2. Sweet new shoes. I want some.

  3. Nice shoes! I've been looking at the Inov-8 line. Way to go on the burpees!!!

  4. I have had these same ones for a few months now and i LOVE them!!! and all the crazy looks i get for how bright they are. i am determined that they are magical so i hope the crossfit ass kicking magic is also in yours! enjoy

  5. The Shoes make the workout:)

    love them!


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